Top 11 Warnings Telling You to Have Lock Replacement Now

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Are you worried that your locks are not secure enough? Have you recently moved into a new house and want to ensure your home is safe? If so, you should be aware of the top 11 warnings telling you it’s time to have a lock replacement and call the best locksmith in your area.

1. You Cannot Open Your Lock Easily

If you have difficulty opening your lock, it could be a sign that the internal mechanisms are no longer working correctly. You may need to replace the lock to ensure it is still secure.

2. You Don’t Know Who Has Access to Your Home

If you don’t know who has access to your home, replacing the locks is essential. This will help ensure that no one else can access your home without your permission.

3. You Experience Frequent Jamming

If your locks are frequently jamming or not working correctly, it’s time to replace them. This could indicate that the internal mechanisms are no longer working correctly or the lock is not secure.

4. You Have Lost Your Keys

If you have lost your keys, it’s time to get a new lock. This will ensure that no one else than you can gain access to your home.

5. You Have Suspected Intruders

Replacing the locks might be a good idea if you have noticed any suspicious activity near your home. This will help ensure everyone can access your home with permission.

6. You Have a Key-in-Knob Lock

If you have a key-in-knob lock, replacing it with a deadbolt for added security is essential. Deadbolts are much more secure than key-in-knob locks.

7. Your Lock is Old and Worn Out

If your lock is old and worn out, then it’s time for you to get a new one. Old locks can become weak and easily broken into by an experienced thief. It is also important to note that if you have a key-in-knob lock, you should replace it with a deadbolt for added security.

8. Your Lock is Outdated

If your lock is outdated, replacing it as soon as possible is crucial. Outdated locks can be easily picked or bypassed, leaving your home vulnerable to thieves.

9. You Notice Unusual Sounds

If you hear clicking, grinding, or other unusual sounds when you use your lock, it could be a sign that something is wrong. The internal mechanisms may be worn and in need of replacement.

10. You Recently Moved In

If you recently moved into a new house, it is essential to replace the existing locks. This will help ensure no one else has access to your home.

11. You Suspect Someone Has Copied Your Key

Getting a new lock is essential if someone has copied your key. This will ensure they can’t access your home without your permission.


Knowing signs indicating that it is time to replace your locks is vital. From broken key pieces in the lock to a lock that jams, these are all indicators that it is time to replace your locks. Additionally, if you need help remembering the last time you had your locks replaced, it is advised that you do so soon with the help of a reliable locksmith.

Other signs that suggest replacing your locks include having a worn key, hearing strange noises when using the safety, having multiple keys for the same lock, and noticing that the lock is not functioning correctly. Lock replacement is a necessary security measure and should be taken seriously.

APEX Denver Locksmith offers emergency locksmith services in Mile High City. Our locksmiths aim to arrive on time and work professionally consistently! We are knowledgeable and experienced in unlocking and installing locks for any situation. For quality locksmith services, contact us today!



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